Friday, February 22, 2008

Setting Up Your Mobile Phone for the Business


Buat pengetahuan anda semua, MyMode Network J&N kini sedang menjalankan promosi sekitar Damansara specifically di kawasan Kota Damansara dan yang sewaktu dengannya. Kempen ini dijangka akan berterusan sehingga penghujung bulan Mei. Sekiranya anda yang tinggal di sekitar area berkenaan, anda digalakkan untuk sms nama anda ke nombor yang tertera di atas. Appointment akan diatur di tempat yang anda selesa (rumah pun boleh...) selama sekurang-kurangnya 30 minit.


Tidak ada halangan sekiranya anda lebih berminat melayari laman web untuk mengenal lebih dekat dengan MyMode. Anda boleh terus ke sini ;

Buat Duit Dengan Mymode Network

Jangan lupa untuk mendaftar sebagai ahli di laman tersebut, kerana anda boleh mendapatkan lebih banyak maklumat yang khas untuk ahli sahaja. Pendaftaran anda adalah percuma sehinggalah anda mendaftar sebagai ahli MyMode, dan kemudian anda boleh upgrade keahlian anda sebagai VIP Member!

Sekiranya anda ada sebarang pertanyaan yang anda rasa agak common, anda boleh terus ke FAQ (Soalan-soalan lazim)
Apa tunggu lagi, ayuh maju bersama MyMode!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Matlamat MyMode J&N Network

Jika anda berminat untuk menyertai MyMode, anda boleh sms saya
"nama {jarak} no.telefon anda" ke 012 241 5054 (Johari). Saya akan meng-
hubungi anda secara terus.

Untuk pengetahuan saudara/i, saya lebih berminat menguruskan
sendiri penyertaan saudara/i ke dalam MyMode berbanding melalui
laman-laman web sedia ada.

Ini disebabkan saya percaya kepada konsep KETELUSAN & KEJUJURAN.

Dengan kaedah ini (memanglah konvensional sikit..), anda sekurang-kurangnya
dapat mengenali saya. Jadi anda tak perlu risau samada saya ni wujud atau
tidak sebenarnya..;P

Selain dari
pada itu, anda tidak perlu bimbang saya ni penipu ke, atau penyamun
ke...saya mahu a
nda tahu yang saya wujud, jujur dan ikhlas dalam menjalankan
perniagaan MyMode ini.

Secara tak langsung juga, saya dapat mengenali siapa downline saya, dan saya
dapat membantu anda secara terus (direct). Saya tak mahulah makan duit
anda buta-buta tanpa membantu anda. Bila anda ada masalah, bila-bila
masa saja anda boleh menghubungi saya, dan saya sedia membantu.

Ini juga sebagai satu bentuk cabaran kepada saya, kerana saya tidak boleh
main-main dengan komitmen yang anda ingin berikan di dalam MyMode.

Saya juga sebenarnya berminat untuk mengumpulkan network saya ini
secara sistematik, di mana akan datang nanti saya akan membuat
rotation dalam pengagihan ahli baru MyMode. Saya percaya kepada
konsep "sa
ma-sama cari makan", tak syok la kalau kita untung seorang saja

Di waktu ini juga saya sedang sibuk menyiapkan pelbagai panduan, tools, dan
juga sebarang bentuk bahan yang boleh membantu ahli-ahli di dalam network
saya. Saya berjanji, saya tidak akan mengabaikan anda..;-)

Sehingga ber

Yang benar,

Monday, February 18, 2008

Join Mymode to Sell Prepaid Cards

sell prepaid cards

Dengan kata lain, RM 54 daripada RM65 yang anda bayar itu adalah yuran keahlian MyMode.

Baki RM 11 pula dikembalikan ke dalam akaun MyMode anda sebagai modal permulaan bisnes anda, dalam bentuk RM 1 = 1 myPoint. Sekarang anda digelar Mobile Agent (MA).

Konsep akaun MyMode lebih kurang sama la bila kita buka akaun di bank... Jadi kita mesti isi dulu akaun MyMode kita ni dengan cara pergi ke ATM Maybank> klik lain-lain urusniaga > prabayar > MyMode. Jumlah minimum ialah RM 30. Kemudian anda akan terima slip mengandungi kod tambah nilai MyMode. Hantarkan sms ke MyMode dan....wah! sekarang anda sudah ada RM 11 + RM 30 = RM 41.00. Barulah anda bersedia untuk beli topup menggunakan arahan sms kepada MyMode!

Sebagai MA, anda berhak menerima diskaun prepaid 50% x PPV.

Contoh : Anda beli topup iTalk Mobile bernilai RM100 (MyPoint Value = 11)

Jadi 50% x 11 = 5.50.

Bererti komisen anda RM 5.50.


Maksudnya di sini, katakanlah anda ada 20 MyPoint, akaun akan bertambah menjadi 30 MyPoint bila anda registerkan downline anda.

Nota : Kalau downline anda registerkan orang lain di bawah mereka, anda akan menerima 1 myPoint.


Pada peringkat ini, anda sudah layak untuk diupgradekan menjadi Mobile Manager!

Diskaun pembelian prepaid anda sekarang ialah 55% X MyPoint Value.

Contoh : Anda beli topup iTalk Mobile bernilai RM 100 (myPoint Value = 11)

Jadi 55% X 11 = 6.05

Bererti komisen anda RM 6.05.


Pada peringkat ini pula, anda layak mengupgradekan diri anda menjadi MobilePreneur!

Setelah anda settlekan prosedur untuk jadi MP, anda akan terima kelebihan lain iaitu setiap kali anda bawa orang baru sebagai direct downline anda, anda akan menerima RM 18 !! Manakala indirect downline pula, anda akan terima RM 9 !!

Saya akan cerita pula selepas ini kelebihan-kelebihan yang jauh lebih menarik dan lumayan!

Untuk maklumat lengkap, SMS nama dan nombor telefon anda kepada

JohariJohari (JOE)

Mymode is a mobile solution service brought to you by Advances Mobile Services & Solutions Sdn Bhd (AMOSS). With Mymode, you will have the chance to earn hard cash through selling of prepaid cards for various prepaid mobile phones plans such as Maxis Hotlink Prepaid, Celcom Blue, OneComm, Tmnet Prepaid Streamyx, UMobile, and lot other cellphones plans.

Income Structure - Selling Prepaid Phone Cards

Updated on February 13 2009 - Mymode is how you make money from selling prepaid cards for Maxis Hotlink, Celcom Blue, and also other prepaid cards.

Sebagai ejen MyMode, anda berpeluang menerima keuntungan daripada :

1) Penjualan - sebarang topup yang anda jual secara runcit atau pada kawan-kawan

2) Penajaan - menambah bilangan ahli di bawah anda

Apabila kita menaja, network akan berkembang dan ini boleh melayakkan kita untuk menerima pelbagai diskaun dan insentif tambahan daripada syarikat.

Kelayakan jenis bonus bagi Ejen yang menjual dan menaja


Mana lebih menguntungkan..

Kelayakan Mendapat Jenis-jenis Bonus Mengikut Pangkat Dalam MyMode


Pangkat tertinggi di dalam sistem ini ialah 5-Star CM >>24 cabang CM

Seterusnya saya akan ceritakan serba ringkas bagaimana komisen anda bermula sebaik sahaja join dan juga menaja orang lain.

Mymode is a mobile solution service brought to you by Advances Mobile Services & Solutions Sdn Bhd (AMOSS). With Mymode, you will have the chance to earn hard cash through selling of prepaid cards for various prepaid mobile phones plans such as Maxis Hotlink Prepaid, Celcom Blue, OneComm, Tmnet Prepaid Streamyx, UMobile, and lot other cellphones plans.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Buat Duit Online Jual Prepaid Mymode

UPDATE: I no longer represent Mymode - info here is just for your reference and may no longer valid anymore. Please contact those who are still associated with the prepaid service.Thanks.


make money selling prepaid mymode

Berapa agaknya yang diperlukan untuk memulakan perniagaan MyMode ni?

RM 2500?

RM 20 000?

atau RM 100,000?


Mengapa anda harus mengeluarkan belanja yang terlalu tinggi sedangkan anda masih ragu dengan biznes ini?

Di MyMode, apa yang anda perlukan cumalah :

a) Pendaftaran cuma RM 65 SAHAJA!!!

Kenapa RM 65?

>> RM 54 merupakan yuran keahlian kali pertama menyertai MyMode

>> RM 11 lagi pula akan dimasukkan ke dalam akaun MyMode anda sebagai modal permulaan anda.

Apa maksudnya akan dimasukkan ke dalam akaun MyMode?

Untuk pemahaman yang mudah, bayangkan MyMode adalah sebuah bank, di mana anda menyimpan wang anda dan bila-bila masa anda perlukan, anda boleh keluarkan. Begitu juga MyMode, akaun anda bertindak sebagai tempat menyimpan modal anda (dalam bentuk MyPoint). Ini bererti, untuk permulaan, RM 11 yang anda terima merupakan modal awal anda yang anda boleh guna untuk beli topup prepaid anda,atau untuk orang lain yang bernilai lebih rendah daripada RM 11. Faham kan...?

b ) Handphone anda (tak kira polifonik ke, canggih giler ke... )

c) MyPoint yang mencukupi

Bagaimana pula untuk sertai?

Mudah sahaja!!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Buat Duit Online Mymode

UPDATE: I no longer represent Mymode - info here is just for your reference and may no longer valid anymore. Please contact those who are still associated with the prepaid service.Thanks.

mymode prepaid business


Industri MOBILE telah membawakan satu teknologi yang sangat berkuasa iaitu SMS. Statistik hasil kajian Suruhanjaya Komunikasi & Multimedia Malaysia menunjukkan lebih dari 8,470 juta SMS telah dihantar dalam tempoh suku pertama tahun 2007. Lanjutan dari ini, Asia Mobile Commerce Privilege (M) Sdn Bhd bertindak melahirkan portal M-Commerce MYMODEbagi membantu para pengguna mobile phone seluruh Malaysia buat duit online menerusi telefon bimbit mereka sendiri. Inilah trend perniagaan masakini.

Kos yang Rendah, Risiko yang kecil, Keuntungan yang berlipat ganda!!


Kini bilangan pengguna telefon bimbit di Malaysia sudah melebihi 17 juta orang dan 80% darinya merupakan pengguna perkhidmatan prabayar (prepaid).

Lihatlah betapa besarnya potensi untuk perniagaan ini. Dari statistik yang dikeluarkan pada tahun 2005, dan 2006 jelas menunjukkan peningkatan berkali ganda. Ini bermakna prospek anda semakin bertambah dari hari ke hari. Anda tidak menggunakan perkhidmatan prabayar? Tak jadi masalah! pengguna perkhidmatan pascabayar(post-paid) pun boleh melibatkan diri dalam peniagaan ini. Biarpun kad reload tidak dibeli untuk kegunaan sendiri, anda masih boleh jual kepada ahli keluarga dan rakan-rakan yang menggunakannya.

Senang bukan?


Kami di MyMode tidak meminta anda untuk menjual produk yang memaksa anda meninggalkan barangan yang anda gunakan sekarang. Malahan anda menjual produk yang harganya sama dengan apa yang ada di pasaran, namun (terima kasih kepada MyMode!!) kini anda akan menerima BONUS dan INSENTIF yang tak mungkin anda boleh dapat di mana-mana sekalipun!

Sekadar contoh:

Usin menambah nilai prepaid telefon bimbitnya sebanyak RM60 sebulan. Bulan depan dia akan melakukan perkara yang sama, malahan ada kemungkinan lebih lagi! Oleh itu, tidak mustahil anda akan kekurangan pelanggan kerana keperluan untuk SMS sentiasa bertambah!

Undian yang diterima untuk program Akademi Fantasia saja dah berjuta-juta...fikirkanlah!


Syarikat telah mewujudkan 10 Gateway mengikut mana-mana perkhidmatan prepaid yang anda gunakan, tak kira Maxis (012/017), Digi (016), ataupun Celcom (019/013). Sebaik saja didaftarkan, anda akan menerima nombor PIN sebagai kata laluan untuk masuk ke mana-mana saja ruangan untuk ahli MyMode. Apa saja urusniaga anda, semuanya direkodkan di dalam sistem serta-merta.

Tiada penipuan! Tiada penipuan!

Anda juga dapat melihat sendiri dan mengatur urusan perniagaan MyMode anda seperti memeriksa penyata jualan anda, penyata bonus, senarai downline, aktiviti downline anda, promosi dan sebagainya.

Berapa yang diperlukan untuk join MyMode ni??

Mymode is a mobile solution service brought to you by Advances Mobile Services & Solutions Sdn Bhd (AMOSS). With Mymode, you will have the chance to earn hard cash through selling of prepaid cards for various prepaid mobile phones plans such as Maxis Hotlink Prepaid, Celcom Blue, OneComm, Tmnet Prepaid Streamyx, UMobile, and lot other cellphones plans.

Buat Duit Mymode

UPDATE: I no longer represent Mymode - info here is just for your reference and may no longer valid anymore. Please contact those who are still associated with the prepaid service.Thanks.

make money from selling prepaid Mymode

Buat Duit Online
MyMode - Bina kerjaya anda di sini!

Syarikat Asia Mobile Commerce Privilege (M) Sdn Bhd telah memperkenalkan jenama MyMode yang berdaftar secara secara sah di Malaysia. Diterajui oleh Datin Fara H.Dalela, sebagai pengerusinya, MyMode dengan mudahnya menyebarkan wabak DUIT SMS ke seluruh Malaysia!

Sebagai satu-satunya syarikat pembekal prepaid yang mempunyai jalinan unggul dengan Maybank Berhad, urusniaga MyMode dipermudahkan, dan secara tidak langsung membuktikan bahawa MyMode diperakui sah sebagai perniagaan bersifat telus.

Apa Yang Menarik Sangat Sebenarnya MyMode Ni?

Sudah tentunya sifat perniagaan ini sendiri. Hari ini terdapat banyak perniagaan MLM atau jualan langsung yang rata-rata mengeluarkan produk yang hampir sama. Sekadar contoh, produk makanan kesihatan.

Unik tak rasanya kalau anda pula mengisytiharkan diri anda meniagakan prepaid dalam bentuk MLM?

Unik bukan...?

Dengan MyMode, mudah sahaja untuk anda menampakkan diri anda di celah-celah kesibukan orang ramai yang berlumba-lumba menceburi bidang MLM di Malaysia di kala ini. Anda mungkin tidak sedar hakikat ini pada peringkat awal, tetapi lambat-laun anda akan merasakan kesannya...tahu kenapa?




...tidak syak lagi bukan?

Kami percaya anda nampak kesemua fakta ini berlaku di depan mata anda selama ini, dan percayalah sekarang yang anda MAMPU mengubah sesuatu yang selama ini common atau biasa di mata anda kepada...


Bagaimana pula caranya tu....


Buat Duit Online

Mymode is a mobile solution service brought to you by Advances Mobile Services & Solutions Sdn Bhd (AMOSS). With Mymode, you will have the chance to earn hard cash through selling of prepaid cards for various prepaid mobile phones plans such as Maxis Hotlink Prepaid, Celcom Blue, OneComm, Tmnet Prepaid Streamyx, UMobile, and lot other cellphones plans.

Mobile Phones Around The World

Mobile phones have been used by people all over the world simply for its capability to let us communicate easily anytime and anywhere. The rapid technology advancement has let the usage of mobile phones to be something that you shall not miss at all. Landline phones are becoming obsolete these days though they are still widely used for business purposes and mainly in offices and workplaces.

The trend these days is to have a good-looking mobile phone and also what are special features added to the mobile phone. It is very common these days to see a mobile phone that has integrated auto-focus camera into it as well as the capability to play music and songs. From polyphonic ringtones to MP3 ringtones, mobile phones have been massively integrated all trendy features and therefore it is hard not to miss the opportunities to have a mobile phone and enjoy all these entertainment.

This blog is dedicated to provide you all information that is relevant to mobile phones. If you take some time to read the blog, you may find articles on these categories:

- Prepaid mobile phones plans - "prepaid plan" is a term that is widely used to describe mobile phone plan that needs you to pay for the service and the mobile phone first before you can use it. Other terms are pay-as-you-go mobile phone plan and also flexpay mobile plan.

- Post-paid mobile phone plans - "post-paid" is a term used to describe contract-based mobile plan where you are bonded to a contract for at least a year whenever you subscribe to the mobile plan.

- Business mobile phones - communication amongst employees are important as well as among your business partners. There are many benefits to be gained when you choose the right busines mobile phone plan.

- Smart mobile phones - fondly known as "smartphones", these type of mobile phone are usually integrated with a lot of tech features that allow you to have a computer-like mobile phone in your hand.

- Camera mobile phones

- Music mobile phones

- 3G mobile phones - the term "3G" is used to simply identify the mobile phone capability in various type of communication. The first time mobile phone was introduced, it can only receive inbound calls and make outbound calls. Later the 2G mobile phones has the ability to send and receive short message service (SMS) as well as picture messages. 3G mobile phones can be used to receive and send video messages as well as video calls.

- International phone cards - whenever you travel abroad, it is a good move to get yourself to get an international prepaid phone card where it can be used with your current mobile phone so you won't have problem to contact your business colleagues or your family.

- International mobile phones - Can you still use your mobile phone outside of your home country? I've discovered a lot of information on this question and I will try to explain about it in my own way.

- Satellite mobile phones - these type of mobile phones are just the excellent choice where you don't have to worry at all about the network coverage. You can get reception from almost anywhere with satellite mobile phones no matter where your location is. If you travel abroad, then maybe you should rent one of these mobile phones.

- Comparison between mobile phone plans - reviews are given on various mobile phone plans available. If possible, I will also try to include personal reviews given by the mobile plan users.

-"How to" information on your mobile phone - I will try my level best to share my knowledge on mobile phones. Tips and tricks to be used to tweak your mobile phones are given here. Yes, the information provided here are for free.

The Least Extreme Group of Mymode That Make Money Online

I feel obliged to inform you that we are neither Mymode favourite team nor the best agents too. We are part of the so-called extreme group PrepaidForYou. Our strive for success in making money online with mobile prepaid Mymode is the only reason we plunged ourselves into the fierceful world of internet marketing.

Marketing your products online is a tough job.

Making money out of them is even tougher.

Here we are, dedicated to guide you in achieving your target and dreams to successfully make money online selling prepaid phone cards and top up cards.

Please take some time to learn more about the business and from this blog, you will learn;

how to make residual income simply by using your prepaid phone

how to earn massive amount of income from Mymode business

how to target your audience either locally or internationally and eventually from there you will receive the sweetest reward (money of course lol)

What is Mymode And How to Make Money from It Unbiased Short Review

Mymode is a solution to your quest to save more money while using your prepaid phone service in Malaysia. Major telecommunication providers in Malaysia are TM, Maxis Malaysia, Digi Telecommunication, and also Celcom Malaysia. Engaging itself into this lucrative prepaid business, Mymode has managed to properly established itself and able to receive recognition from Maybank and CIMB.

Many have claimed that the only purpose of joining Mymode is to save your money while using your prepaid service daily. Honestly that is only the rough idea and perhaps the first reason why you look for answers to save your money. Joining Mymode is truly the first step to open the path to earn residual income and perhaps one day you will be able to make silly amount of money like five to six figures a month.

I would like to apologize to any of my visitors if you fail to find any useful information about Mymode mobile phone and prepaid business. This blog is meant to guide you, not to teach or preach you what you must do to earn money online with Mymode. We learnt the hard way to put ourselves visible on the internet. You on the other hand have the advantage to override the time taken by following our guidelines. If you have the crave to learn how to make money online during recession time, then Mymode could be your first choice until you are ready enough to learn other paths to make money.

Can you make money from using Maxis Hotlink prepaid?

If you are a long time user of Hotlink, then I believe you have more than the knowledge on how Maxis charges you for anything and everything. Why waste the money for things you do not really need when you can actually earn money from it? You may not be as rich as Ananda Krishnan, the owner of Maxis Malaysia, but at least you can earn some money from all the telcos though you stick with Maxis Hotlink.

What if I use Celcom Xpax?

I know that sometimes you don't have the courage to try switching from one service to another. You might say that you are not sure about the advantages of other phone plans or network. Frankly say, that unsure feeling is just something you developed inside you due to successful marketing strategy from Celcom. Either using Celcom Xpax or Blue, it won't matter and you don't have to worry much if you plan to switch to Hotlink or Digi. Remember, at this time the cost to change or transfer is still free and therefore take advantage of that. Change and try it for a month and then you can always change back to your original provider. However, as far as money is concern, go for package that offers you lower call rates and that will absolutely help you to earn more money when you join Mymode.

Senarai Nombor Telefon Ejen Mymode Prepaid|Mymode Agents Cell Phone Numbers

Primary Contact Number:
Area Selangor|KL|Negeri Sembilan
012-241-5054 - Maxis Hotlink - Johari

Negeri Sembilan|KL
017-358-3658 - Maxis Hotlink - Khai

014-808-4051 - Maxis/Digi - Nor Ashikin

Johor Bahru
017-781-8114 - Maxis Hotlink - Aqib

012-651-5113 - Maxis Hotlink - Irfan

012-709-4914 - Maxis Hotlink - Baby

013-388-1572 - Celcom - Azizi

Johor Bahru
012-640-0955 - Maxis - Qila

Johor Bahru
017-769-5277 - Maxis Hotlink - Rozy

Maxis Hotlink SMS Instructions

How to topup your Maxis Hotlink Prepaid Mobile Phones

Dialing command : *111*Topup Pin Code#

How to Share your Prepaid Maxis Hotlink Credit TopUp

How to Check Your Credit Balance for Maxis Hotlink

Dialing command : *122#

How to access Hotlink Easy Menu

Dialing command : *100#

How to check Maxis Hotlink Rewards Points

Access Hotlink Easy Menu and choose options 7-7-1

How to activate Hotlink Super Savers Talk and SMS

How to activate Maxis Hotlink Activ10

Find Your T-Mobile phone coverage using this Superb Checker

Digi Prepaid I Like SMS Instructions

How to access DiGi Talktime Services menu

Dialling command : *128#

How to Reload or topup your DiGi Prepaid FuYoh

Dialling command : *123*(16-digit reload number)#

How to Share Your Prepaid Digi Credits Talktime Transfer

How to get advance credit for your Digi Prepaid Plus

Celcom Prepaid SMS Instructions

How to topup your Celcom Xpax Prepaid Account Using Code

Dial *122* 16-digit topup code#

How to reload Celcom Blue Prepaid Using SMS

Sms command : rec 16-digit topup code

Send to : 2888

How to check your Celcom Prepaid Credit Balance

Dial command : *124#

Sms command code: just type "bal" and send to 2888

Call center : dial 1990

How to share your Celcom Airtime

How to activate Celcom Blue Teman 20

Five simple reasons why and how you should transfer from Maxis Hotlink to Celcom Xpax

Bonus Hello Sunday

With Celcom Xpax, you will get free calls on all your Sundays!

Birthday Bonus Celcom

You can get free calls and SMS for seven days!

Two years airtime expiry date

You can choose either one or two years!

Fastest prepaid mobile phones network

Celcom 3G and HSDPA speeds can go as high as 3.6Mbps

Best customer service ever

Celcom has received two years back to back champion for 2006 and 2007
