advantages and benefits
It seems like the usage of prepaid mobile phones plans is becoming more and more popular particularly in the United States and I believe that this can be considered as a healthy progression. Many have little or perhaps no knowledge at all about the benefits of using prepaid mobile phone and the power behind using the service. This could be due to previously in the United States most telecommunication companies chose to only promote contract-based mobile phone plans. To some extent, I can affirmatively say that it is a smart move to switch from using contract-based plans to prepaid plans as they have a lot of advantages especially if you are not a fond user of mobile phone.
Now let us look into the matter a bit deeper whether it is time to say goodbye to standard mobile phone plans and hello to prepaid mobile plans. As for me, money-saving is my first priority and this could be the first thing that you consider as well when looking for the right mobile phones plan. I choose to stand my belief that when you use prepaid mobile phones plans, you tend to save more as it is very economical due to there is no contract whatsoever between us and the prepaid phone service carrier. More service providers are coming into the scene and the competition amongst them are getting higher and higher and as a result, we receive the advantages. More cheap plans are now available for us to choose from and we do not have to worry about falling into trap of getting free mobile phones anymore.
Do you provide your kids and teens cell phones? Then perhaps it is time to choose the right plan and I recommend you to choose prepaid mobile phone plans. The monthly bills towards having a mobile communication at your dispense with a lower rate are not anymore a dream but a reality. Prepaid mobile phone plans allow you to set a certain amount of minutes that your child can use in a month and for once, you don’t have to worry about paying unnecessary extra bucks just to keep the line active. Furthermore, with prepaid plans it is easy for you as well as for your kids to just go to any stores like Target and purchase the top up phone card with reload codes on it.
Contrary to popular belief, there is a small risk when you use prepaid mobile phone plan. Most of the plans available charge you at least a three seconds billing whenever you made a call that was not answered. Each normal block is around six seconds and you will be charged based on this system. So you have to take extra care while using prepaid mobile phones and honestly, this is perhaps the best time to start educating yourself and your family about restricting the call usage. There are also few prepaid plans that can cost you a lot of money simply to activate them. In other words, you have to choose carefully and it is best to make a thorough comparison first before you decide which is the best plan for you and your family.
I believe that some of us may not know what the heck is top up phone card and what does it mean by “reloading” your mobile phones. Well the concept is simple actually as prepaid service works completely different from the standard contract-based mobile plan. When you purchase your first prepaid mobile phone, you will pay for the activation fees only though there are some plans that offer you free airtime of certain amount when you use their services. Say for example the one you bought does not offer that, so it means you have to reload your mobile phone. Reloading is simple as what you need to have is a “reload code” or a top up code. This can be purchased from retail stores like Walmart. For instance, you bought a 10 dollar prepaid reload card and you just have to enter the code and voila! Your phone will be reloaded with a $10 value of airtime.
Airtime is a set number of minutes provided by the mobile phone service provider and this is how the game is played. Whenever the minutes get exhausted, you need to top it up and again you have to buy the reload phone cards. To me, this is quite convenient. I just have to calculate how much I normally spend in a month, say $30, then I just buy some cards and keep them until the time I need to reload my mobile phone. Hey I don’t have to be surprised anymore about getting a silly mobile phone bill where I used to have to pay over-budgeted amount to phone service provider simply because I was unaware that my minutes were exhausted.
Yes it is unfair sometimes when you think about how some mobile phone companies trick you into this unwanted event. Imagine how much you have wasted simply to pay absurd fees and underhanded tactics that most contract mobile phone providers use. Perhaps that is the reason the new wave has come and I can say that almost 70% of people are now using prepaid mobile phones plans. Why not? With prepaid mobile phone plan, you know exactly what is expected from you in the first place.
Since when you choose to abide by a horseshit contract for your mobile phones? I bet that you have used it for quite a long time till now. And have you ever faced problems with using the services? Sure you had and I bet that most of the time you could only shut yourself up whenever they refer to the contract quotes by quotes. Now tell me, if you have the chance not to be abided by contracts apart from some normal terms and conditions which all products have, and you control everything from spending to everything, would you choose it? If you would, then I prove it to you that it is way better to switch to prepaid mobile phone plans.
With the development of mobile number portability (MNP), it is easy for you to switch from any prepaid mobile phone plan to another network or plan. The best part is you do not have to pay much for it and the transaction only takes few hours. So whenever you don’t feel like the company is giving you a good service or if the reception is not that good, you can just switch in a heartbeat; something you can never do with the usual plan. Well technically yes you can switch, but when it comes to paying hundreds of dollars simply for switching purposes, would you switch or cancel your mobile phone plan then?
I guess it is about time to think more of your expenses especially during this time of economic depression. Think more about other needs than paying phone bills. With prepaid plans, you will learn to control your call usage and honestly it is easy to control. Everything has been predetermined where you don’t have to worry about paying more than what you use. Do not fall into traps of paying something more than what you use. For instance, would you choose to pay $100 a month for 20 new magazines when you can only read up to 5 each month? Hey you still have to pay $100 no matter you read all of them or not. So why not pay only $25 for five magazines which you can finish up reading all of them? In short, you will get more from the minimum rather than just have the maximum but you can’t utilize all of them.
I must say that prepaid mobile phones plan is the right deal as you will be the king when you use it. You get the freedom to spend as much as you want or as low as you want. No one is going to stop you and no mobile phone service carrier will stop you too. You know for fact that all the airtime you paid for will be put to good use. No more worries about letting the wireless mobile phone company take your precious money with force or dirty tactics. No more hidden costs and no more playing by their rules. We should play by our own rules as we are the one who decide what we want and how we want it. Take all your ample time to think and finally decide on which prepaid moble phones plans is the best deal for you and which suits you the most. Remember, by now you should know by heart that prepaid mobile phones plans have many benefits over standard contract-based plans.
This is pretty good info! It's great to get ideas about how to save money. I think a phone card is an awesome option.
ReplyDeleteDepending on what your priority is, I guess this vary from one person to another person.