Monday, March 24, 2008

Revised My Rewards Plan MyMode

Daftar PERCUMA Buat duit dengan Mymode

Setelah anda menjadi salah seorang agen prepaid mymode anda layak mendapat beberapa bonus daripada syarikat. Sekiranya anda mempunyai ramai downline yang menjual dan menaja anda akan mendapat ganjaran yang begitu besar daripada syarikat dan bonus akan pada setiap hari khamis setiap bulan. Bermaknanya 4 kali sebulan. Buat duit Mymode.

Senarai Bonus Untuk Ahli Mymode Prepaid

Personal Retail Discount
Overiding Bonus
Sign-up Bonus (activate new member)
Chief Mobile (CM) Club Bonus
Mobile Preneur (MP) Bonus
Star CM/8 Chief Mobile Bonus
Leadership Bonus

Kelebihan Bisnes Prepaid Mymode

Murah,mudah dan menguntungkan
Marketing plan yang tidak menekan
Imbuhan kekal yang lumayan
Bukan sistem piramid
Syarikat yang diiktiraf dan established
Cepat berkembang
Pendapatan yang konsisten
Tak perlu kenderaan
Tak perlu product demo
Tak perlu pandai bercakap
Tak perlu ke stokis
Downline tanpa had
Bonus sehingga sepuluh peringkat
Bonus empat kali sebulan
Peluang melancong
Promosi menarik setiap bulan
Boleh diwarisi
Internet marketing dan konvensional

Prepaid4U.Net Your Mobile Lifestyle

Monday, March 3, 2008

Make Money Selling Prepaid Cards

Sell prepaid mobile phones recharge cards

(Malay translation below)
Have you ever thought of topping up your prepaid mobile phone and at the same time you can receive residual income from it? Is that ever possible?

Have you ever wondered how is it possible to earn some money simply by using your mobile phone?

Perhaps you have been thinking about it and you just don't have the idea on how it works...

I will take some time to explain this concept of making money from selling prepaid cards especially for Maxis users and Celcom prepaid users. However, please keep in mind that everything that I'm going to explain to you here is not about making money instantly as I have never EVER agreed with any instant-rich program. Therefore you may leave this website instantly if what you are looking for is to get rich as quick as possible.

Maybe it is best if I first explain to you guys what actually happened to me few years ago.

I have been presented with so many similar stories on this. However, I felt that it is essential for you guys to know how I came to know about Mymode in the first place.

Two years ago, I began my search on making money online by studying a lot of reading materials on the web. Unfortunately at that time, my english was poor and to make things even worse, there are only few guides written in Malay language. If there were, those are just some folks trying to fool us.

After some time (thought that I have read reliable sources), I felt that it was about time to actually invest. I spent about RM2000 which was a big amount to me at that time. Following "advice" made by my American fellows, I created a website which is called "Science Of Profits". Believe it or not, I was amused with the fact that I've had my own website and the feeling was just so good...;-)

Anyways, using the website which was hosted by a company (again, recommended by this fella) somewhere in the US, I followed the so-called free online course. The course was designed so that I have to go for it everyday.

According to him in one of the daily courses, I have to register myself in various MLM companies which he had nicely recommended. He proposed these companies that he strongly said are receiving high demands on their products. Obviously I have to register under his name.

Absent-mindedly, I registered for all that and that cost me almost Rm4000!

After six months working, I have failed. What a shame.

This is due to the fact that in order to continue achieving all the targets, I must expand my network by introducing the products to others. In other words, the program which I joined is simply just a program that have combined various MLM networks into one program.

Due to this failure, and due to the time I have spent online ( I didn't even have an internet connection at home, so I spent money at cyber cafes!), I have ignored a lot of things in my real life. I have ignored people that I loved most in my life and I have lost my car!

Banks had been chasing me to remind me about my debts and loans I made before. I became confused and even at one stage I almost lost my mind as I just couln't think of what to do next.

That was when I decided that making money online is not possible and not even suitable for me. I concentrated back on my job at that time. Gaining trust from the employer at that time was my priority. Slowly I began to pay back all of my debts.

Two months later, I surfed (again?) the net and somehow I stumbled upon this story about Mymode. Perhaps I was looking for ways to monetize my mobile phone or even selling it. That could be the reason why I found Mymode. I began to dig everything about Mymode on the net.

I thought about it many times. I had been there, trying to make money online. It was a failure. I just don't want to repeat the same mistake twice.

So I joined Mymode...

These are just the facts why I joined Mymode and why I think that Mymode is just the right solution for you to earn money online selling prepaid cards and just from your mobile phone:

- Mymode accurately defined the business features that I was looking for. A business that is founded by Asia Mobile Commerce Priviledge Sdn Bhd, it is based on prepaid SMS with multi-level marketing plan.

- Must-buy product by almost 2/3 Malaysian residents! - statistics have shown that the figures are rapidly increasing for prepaid users in Malaysia.

- Is the program legal? - Yes, it is.

Why Mymode?

I joined Mymode due to the fact that it was the first ever mobile solution company that gained recognition from Maybank, one of the respected and established banks in Malaysia, to put Mymode transaction in their auto-teller machines (ATM)s. It is not easy to gain trust from an institution such as Maybank but Mymode did it.

Why under this group? Why under Mymode Network?

Well, my plan is to expand the network in an honest way. I rather not take hundreds of downlines and put all of them under my name simply to get the most income out of Mymode.

I'll put new lines under you...

As I believe in 'sharing is caring', I am ready to share the new lines with you. That is my promise. I may not know who you are, but as long as you are keen to make money with Mymode, then there is nothing wrong with sharing new lines with you guys.

How much does it cost me to join Mymode?

It costs you RM65 to join Mymode. RM11 from that will be credited back to your Mymode account to be your first capital to start using Mymode.

A shameless promotion to join Mymode - we are continuously running a promotion to join Mymode under our wings. Therefore if you register with us, you can just pay RM50 instead of RM65. Though you only pay RM50, you can still get your RM11 to be credited into your Mymode account.

Kerja Sambilan Jual Prepaid

or back to top
Mahukah saudara/i menambah nilai prepaid dan dalam masa yang sama boleh terima pendapatan lumayan?

Pernahkah saudara terfikirkan bagaimana untuk mencari peluang menjana pendapatan tambahan hanya dengan berbekalkan handphone saudara sahaja?

Mungkin pernah kan...tapi tahukah saudara bagaimanakah caranya?

Saya akan ceritakan serba sedikit...tapi jika saudara beranggapan apa yang bakal saya ceritakan boleh membuatkan saudara menjadi jutawan dalam sekelip mata, maka saya nasihatkan saudara agar meninggalkan laman ini dengan serta merta...:P


Kembali semula kepada cerita saya...

Elok saya mulakan dengan apa yang pernah terjadi ke atas diri saya sebelum ini. Mungkin saudara muak dengan kisah-kisah seperti ini. Namun saya rasa perlu saya tegaskan di sini bahawa saudara perlu tahu bagaimana saya mula berjinak dalam dunia perniagaan internet sehinggalah saat saya mengenali MyMode ini.

Kira-kira 2 tahun yang lepas, saya mula menyelami apa yang dikatakan dunia perniagaan Internet. Pada waktu itu, masih belum banyak panduan samada dalam bentuk e-book mahupun secara offline daripada usahawan-usahawan Malaysia.

Setelah mengkaji dengan mendalam (kira dah rasa bagus la masa tu...), saya pun mula melabur sejumlah wang yang agak besar bagi saya iaitu dalam lingkungan RM 2000. Macam-macam yang saya lakukan di waktu itu termasuklah membina sebuah laman web yang saya namakan "ScienceOfProfits.Com". Percaya atau tidak, apabila saudara sudah memiliki sebuah laman web sendiri, saudara akan berasa bangga dan seronok yang amat sangat...:)

Berbekalkan website tersebut, saya mengikuti kursus yang dijalankan oleh Upline saya ketika itu (dari United States). Menurut beliau, saya harus mendaftar dalam pelbagai jenis perniagaan dan kaedah pemasaran untuk membolehkan produk yang saya promosi ketika itu mendapat sambutan. Dalam tak sedar, saya telah menghabiskan hampir RM4000 semata-mata untuk mendapatkan apa yang saya hajatkan!

Setelah bertungkus-lumus hampir 6 bulan lamanya, akhirnya saya kecundang. Satu-persatu masalah menimpa saya kerana dalam diam-diam rupanya saya telah banyak mengabaikan kehidupan saya. Saya kehilangan banyak perkara penting dalam hidup saya termasuklah kereta kesayangan saya! Saya juga terpaksa menggadaikan handphone kesayangan saya semata-mata untuk memastikan makan-minum saya terjaga.

Bank menghubungi saya hampir setiap minggu untuk mengingatkan saya tentang hutang dan pinjaman saya buat selama ini. Saya jadi keliru dan hampir hilang akal kerana tak tahu bagaimana untuk menghadapi keadaan yang semakin haru-biru itu.

Saat itulah saya membuat keputusan untuk melupakan perniagaan di Internet dan menumpukan sepenuh masa perhatian saya kepada kerjaya saya ketika itu. Perlahan-lahan saya bangkit semula dan mula membayar hutang-hutang yang bertimbun-timbun.

2 bulan kemudiannya, sewaktu sedang melayari Internet, saya secara tidak sengaja terbaca kisah tentang MyMode ni. Saya mulalah menyelongkar kesemua cerita tentang MyMode di Internet. Lama juga saya berfikir-fikir dan menilai baik buruk program ini. Maklumlah, saya pernah terkena sekali, dah tentu fobia jadinya.

Dan akhirnya saya nekad...

MyMode secara rasminya muktamad menjadi pilihan saya!

MyMode menepati paling hampir ciri-ciri bisnes yang saya gariskan. Sebuah perniagaan yang diasaskan oleh Asia Mobile Commerce Priviledge Sdn. Bhd. yang dipengerusikan oleh Datin Fara H. Dalela berasaskan SMS Prepaid dengan pelan Multilevel Marketing.

Produk MESTI BELI oleh hampir 2/3 penduduk Malaysia!

Stastistik dari MCMC menunjukkan bilangan pengguna talian prepaid berjumlah 11.9 juta orang pada tahun 2005. Tahukah anda bilangan pengguna talian prepaid sekarang?! Dianggarkan sudah mencapai 20 juta orang!!

Haram ke tak perniagaan MLM macam ni?

MLM yang dikatakan haram itu hanyalah merujuk kepada MLM yang menjurus ke arah sistem Skim Cepat Kaya. Bukan bererti semua MLM itu haram. Anda boleh baca satu artikel yang ditulis oleh Ust Hj Zaharuddin Hj Abd Rahman bertajuk 'Isu Shariah Dalam Perniagaan MLM

Antara Bentuk MLM yang Haram atau syubhat menurut Ust Zaharuddin:

1) Harga tinggi dari biasa : Menjual produk yang diperjualbelikan dalam sistem MLM dengan harga yang jauh lebih tinggi dari harga biasa
- Mymode menjual produknya pada harga yang sama dengan pasaran luar. Contohnya reload Maxis RM10 tetap dijual dengan harga RM10.

2) Jualan target sebagai syarat komisyen : Selain dari yuran yang wajib dibayar oleh ahli, pada kebiasaannya terdapat syarat yang mewajibkan ahli tersebut mencapai target jualan tertentu bagi melayakkannya mendapat apa jua komsiyen dari hasil jualan orang di bawahnya.
- Dalam Mymode, sekiranya anda hanya mampu menjual sekeping reload topup beharga RM10, maka anda tetap layak mendapat rebate dari pembelian tadi kecuali jika langsung tiada penjualan dilakukan maka anda tidak akan mendapat apa-apa.

3) Jika ahli berdaftar menyertai MLM dengan yuran tertentu, tetapi tiada sebarang produk untuk diniagakan, perniagaannya hanyalah dengan mencari orang bawahannya (downline).
- Jelas Mymode menjalankan perniagaan reload prepaid secara SMS. Produk-produk yang diniagakan seperti topup maxis, celcom, ring-ring card, italk, prepaid jaring tmnet dan lain-lain.

4) Terdapat juga syarikat MLM yang melakukan manipulasi dalam menjual produknya, atau memaksa pembeli untuk menggunakan produknya atau yang dijual adalah barang haram.
- Tiada paksaan dalam pembelian produknya. Samada anda membeli dari MyMode atau berjalan kaki kekedai handphone untuk mendapatkan reload prepaid, ianya tetap merupakan salah satu keperluan dalam kehidupan harian kita.

Itulah sebabnya saya jadi yakin dengan MyMode.

Oleh itu saya mengambil kesempatan ini untuk menjemput saudara/i untuk sama-sama menyertai MyMode.

Kenapa MyMode?

MyMode mengambil masa 2 tahun untuk meyakinkan MayBank untuk meletakkan transaksi MyMode di dalam ATM! Bukan sesuatu yang mudah untuk sesuatu perniagaan meyakinkan institusi perbankan untuk meletakkannya di dalam ATM.

Kalau Maybank pun dah iktiraf, apa lagi yang perlu diragui dengan MyMode kan..

Kenapa pula mesti di bawah kumpulan ini?

Saya berhasrat mengembangkan network saya secara jujur. Saya tidak mahu mengambil beratus-ratus downline dan meletakkannya di bawah saya semata-mata untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lumayan.

Saya mahu letakkan ahli baru yang mendaftar di bawah saudara secara percuma...

Ya, kerana saya percaya dengan konsep perkongsian, sekalipun saya mungkin tidak sepenuhnya mengenali saudara/i.

Tapi itu hakikatnya. Saya bersedia untuk berkongsi dengan anda sekiranya ada ahli baru yang mendaftar di bawah saya. Itu janji saya. Seronok sebenarnya kalau kita sama-sama dapat maju dan berjaya. Apalagi dengan menyertai sesuatu yang terjamin masa depannya seperti MyMode ni. Setelah saudara/i sah menjadi ahli MyMode, saya akan ceritakan nanti bagaimana untuk terima downline dari saya.

Berapakah pula kos pendaftarannya?

Pendaftaran memerlukan anda membayar sebanyak RM65 sahaja. Harus diingatkan di sini, apabila anda mendaftar, satu akaun atas nama anda akan dibuka di MyMode, di mana RM11.00 daripada pendaftaran anda akan dimasukkan ke dalam akaun tersebut. Dengan kata lain, RM11 itu merupakan modal permulaan anda untuk memulakan perniagaan prepaid berasaskan sms anda!

Untung kan?

Ada yang lebih untung sebenarnya...

Sempena pilihanraya kali ini, saya melancarkan program pendaftaran untuk ahli baru MyMode yang mendaftar di bawah kumpulan kami. Program ini bertujuan memberi galakan kepada saudara/i untuk memulakan perniagaan prepaid berasaskan sms anda dengan segera, dan seterusnya membolehkan anda mencapai peringkat yang lebih tinggi di dalam MyMode.

Elok saya terangkan sikit tentang pangkat di dalam MyMode ni :

Tahap Pertama
1. Mobile Agent (MA) >>>saudara menerima untung runcit+untung setiap kali menaja.
2. Mobile Manager (MM)
>>>setelah menaja minimum 4 orang, saudara akan menerima
runcit+untung menaja+untung override pembelian 5%.
3. Chief Mobile (CM) >>>setelah menaja minimum 8 orang, saudara akan menerima untung
runcit+untung menaja+untung override pembelian 10%.

Tahap Kedua

4. Junior CM
>>>minimum seorang CM di bawah saudara/i
5. Senior CM
>>>minimum 2 orang CM di bawah saudara/i
6. Super CM
>>>minimum 4 orang CM di bawah saudara/i
7. Star CM
>>>minimum 8 orang downline pangkat CM dari cabang berbeza.

Untuk pangkat Junior CM hingga Star CM, saudara/i akan menerima :
-untung runcit
-bonus tajaan
-bonus override
-bonus mp (saya akan terangkan kemudian)
-bonus kelab CM
-bonus star CM

Tahap Ketiga

8. 2 Star CM
>>>12 orang downline pangkat CM dari cabang berbeza.
9. 3 Star CM
>>>16 orang downline pangkat CM dari cabang berbeza.
10. 4 Star CM
>>>20 orang downline pangkat CM dari cabang berbeza.
11. 5 Star CM
>>>24 orang downline pangkat CM dari cabang berbeza.

Untuk pangkat 2 Star CM hingga 5 Star CM, saudara/i akan menerima :
-untung runcit
-bonus tajaan
-bonus override
-bonus mp
-bonus kelab CM
-bonus star CM
-bonus kepimpinan

Berdasarkan bukti pendapatan senior-senior dalam MyMode, pendapatan sebagai seorang 5 Star CM mencecah tak kurang daripada RM10,000 sebulan.

Lumayan kan?

Kembali kepada cadangan saya tadi, saya sekali lagi mengambil peluang ini untuk mengajak saudara/i menyertai program pendaftaran sebagai ahli MyMode yang saya tawarkan ini :

Pendaftaran dengan Syarikat MyMode : RM 65 sahaja
RM54 yuran,RM11 masuk dalam akaun MyMode anda.

Pendaftaran dengan kumpulan kami

RM 50 sahaja !

(yuran keahlian dibayar, RM11 tetap masuk akaun MyMode anda)

Macam mana boleh jadi macam tu?

Hmm, dah saya katakan tadi, ini promosi sempena pilihanraya kali ini. Saya percaya dan yakin dengan sistem perniagaan MyMode, justeru itu saya tidak ragu untuk berkongsi apa yang saya dapat daripada MyMode dengan saudara/i semua.

Walau bagaimanapun, promosi ini akan berakhir pada 31 Mac ini.

Jangan tunggu lagi.

Jangan biarkan handphone saudara/i yang canggih tu telan duit saja. Jadikan handphone saudara/i boleh buat duit pula.


Macam mana nak daftar?

1. Daftarkan butir peribadi anda di sini secara PERCUMA.
2. Isi dan submit borang tersebut.
3. Login dengan menggunakan USERID dan Password saudara/i tadi.
4. Klik pada menubar sebelah kiri "Upgrade V.I.P"
5. Baca langkah-langkah yang disediakan di situ terutamanya pembayaran kepada upline saudara/i.
6. Buat pembayaran kepada saya melalui cash deposit/online transfer.

Sebagai langkah keselamatan, sila pastikan butir-butir di bawah tepat sebelum membuat pembayaran :

Maybank Account No. : 1623-7564-0622
Account Holder : Johari Bin Khalil
Bayaran : RM 50.00 sahaja.

Nota : sekiranya saudara menggunakan Maybank2u, pada ruangan 3rd party email address, saudara boleh memasukkan alamat ini :

Setelah membuat pembayaran, pastikan saudara menghantar sms kepada saya di 012-241-5054 seperti dalam format ini :
RM 50 (bank anda) transfer to (162375640622) done on (tarikh) & (masa).
Contoh : RM 50 (rhb) transfer to (162375640622) done on 03/03/08 & 3.42pm.

Sekiranya anda ada sebarang pertanyaan berkaitan MyMode, saudara boleh hubungi saya terus di nombor telefon yang tertera di atas.

Sekali lagi saya ingatkan kepada saudara/i semua, promosi pendaftaran RM50 ini akan berakhir pada 31 Mac ini.

Saya doakan kita sama-sama akan berjaya di dalam MyMode - Perniagaan Prepaid Terunggul di Malaysia...InsyaAllah.

Salam hormat,

Johari Khalil

Our partner : Blog Directory, Blog Search Engine and Weblog Directory (Blog Directory Free submittion. Blog search Engine and weblog directory. Increase your Blog Popularity Today.)

UPDATE : Promosi Mymode Prepaid RM50 masih berterusan sehingga ke hari ini. Sila hubungi saya di 012-241-5054 untuk keterangan lanjut.

Mymode is a mobile solution service brought to you by Advances Mobile Services & Solutions Sdn Bhd (AMOSS). With Mymode, you will have the chance to earn hard cash through selling of prepaid cards for various prepaid mobile phones plans such as Maxis Hotlink Prepaid, Celcom Blue, OneComm, Tmnet Prepaid Streamyx, UMobile, and lot other cellphones plans.

Mobile Phones Around The World

Mobile phones have been used by people all over the world simply for its capability to let us communicate easily anytime and anywhere. The rapid technology advancement has let the usage of mobile phones to be something that you shall not miss at all. Landline phones are becoming obsolete these days though they are still widely used for business purposes and mainly in offices and workplaces.

The trend these days is to have a good-looking mobile phone and also what are special features added to the mobile phone. It is very common these days to see a mobile phone that has integrated auto-focus camera into it as well as the capability to play music and songs. From polyphonic ringtones to MP3 ringtones, mobile phones have been massively integrated all trendy features and therefore it is hard not to miss the opportunities to have a mobile phone and enjoy all these entertainment.

This blog is dedicated to provide you all information that is relevant to mobile phones. If you take some time to read the blog, you may find articles on these categories:

- Prepaid mobile phones plans - "prepaid plan" is a term that is widely used to describe mobile phone plan that needs you to pay for the service and the mobile phone first before you can use it. Other terms are pay-as-you-go mobile phone plan and also flexpay mobile plan.

- Post-paid mobile phone plans - "post-paid" is a term used to describe contract-based mobile plan where you are bonded to a contract for at least a year whenever you subscribe to the mobile plan.

- Business mobile phones - communication amongst employees are important as well as among your business partners. There are many benefits to be gained when you choose the right busines mobile phone plan.

- Smart mobile phones - fondly known as "smartphones", these type of mobile phone are usually integrated with a lot of tech features that allow you to have a computer-like mobile phone in your hand.

- Camera mobile phones

- Music mobile phones

- 3G mobile phones - the term "3G" is used to simply identify the mobile phone capability in various type of communication. The first time mobile phone was introduced, it can only receive inbound calls and make outbound calls. Later the 2G mobile phones has the ability to send and receive short message service (SMS) as well as picture messages. 3G mobile phones can be used to receive and send video messages as well as video calls.

- International phone cards - whenever you travel abroad, it is a good move to get yourself to get an international prepaid phone card where it can be used with your current mobile phone so you won't have problem to contact your business colleagues or your family.

- International mobile phones - Can you still use your mobile phone outside of your home country? I've discovered a lot of information on this question and I will try to explain about it in my own way.

- Satellite mobile phones - these type of mobile phones are just the excellent choice where you don't have to worry at all about the network coverage. You can get reception from almost anywhere with satellite mobile phones no matter where your location is. If you travel abroad, then maybe you should rent one of these mobile phones.

- Comparison between mobile phone plans - reviews are given on various mobile phone plans available. If possible, I will also try to include personal reviews given by the mobile plan users.

-"How to" information on your mobile phone - I will try my level best to share my knowledge on mobile phones. Tips and tricks to be used to tweak your mobile phones are given here. Yes, the information provided here are for free.

The Least Extreme Group of Mymode That Make Money Online

I feel obliged to inform you that we are neither Mymode favourite team nor the best agents too. We are part of the so-called extreme group PrepaidForYou. Our strive for success in making money online with mobile prepaid Mymode is the only reason we plunged ourselves into the fierceful world of internet marketing.

Marketing your products online is a tough job.

Making money out of them is even tougher.

Here we are, dedicated to guide you in achieving your target and dreams to successfully make money online selling prepaid phone cards and top up cards.

Please take some time to learn more about the business and from this blog, you will learn;

how to make residual income simply by using your prepaid phone

how to earn massive amount of income from Mymode business

how to target your audience either locally or internationally and eventually from there you will receive the sweetest reward (money of course lol)

What is Mymode And How to Make Money from It Unbiased Short Review

Mymode is a solution to your quest to save more money while using your prepaid phone service in Malaysia. Major telecommunication providers in Malaysia are TM, Maxis Malaysia, Digi Telecommunication, and also Celcom Malaysia. Engaging itself into this lucrative prepaid business, Mymode has managed to properly established itself and able to receive recognition from Maybank and CIMB.

Many have claimed that the only purpose of joining Mymode is to save your money while using your prepaid service daily. Honestly that is only the rough idea and perhaps the first reason why you look for answers to save your money. Joining Mymode is truly the first step to open the path to earn residual income and perhaps one day you will be able to make silly amount of money like five to six figures a month.

I would like to apologize to any of my visitors if you fail to find any useful information about Mymode mobile phone and prepaid business. This blog is meant to guide you, not to teach or preach you what you must do to earn money online with Mymode. We learnt the hard way to put ourselves visible on the internet. You on the other hand have the advantage to override the time taken by following our guidelines. If you have the crave to learn how to make money online during recession time, then Mymode could be your first choice until you are ready enough to learn other paths to make money.

Can you make money from using Maxis Hotlink prepaid?

If you are a long time user of Hotlink, then I believe you have more than the knowledge on how Maxis charges you for anything and everything. Why waste the money for things you do not really need when you can actually earn money from it? You may not be as rich as Ananda Krishnan, the owner of Maxis Malaysia, but at least you can earn some money from all the telcos though you stick with Maxis Hotlink.

What if I use Celcom Xpax?

I know that sometimes you don't have the courage to try switching from one service to another. You might say that you are not sure about the advantages of other phone plans or network. Frankly say, that unsure feeling is just something you developed inside you due to successful marketing strategy from Celcom. Either using Celcom Xpax or Blue, it won't matter and you don't have to worry much if you plan to switch to Hotlink or Digi. Remember, at this time the cost to change or transfer is still free and therefore take advantage of that. Change and try it for a month and then you can always change back to your original provider. However, as far as money is concern, go for package that offers you lower call rates and that will absolutely help you to earn more money when you join Mymode.

Senarai Nombor Telefon Ejen Mymode Prepaid|Mymode Agents Cell Phone Numbers

Primary Contact Number:
Area Selangor|KL|Negeri Sembilan
012-241-5054 - Maxis Hotlink - Johari

Negeri Sembilan|KL
017-358-3658 - Maxis Hotlink - Khai

014-808-4051 - Maxis/Digi - Nor Ashikin

Johor Bahru
017-781-8114 - Maxis Hotlink - Aqib

012-651-5113 - Maxis Hotlink - Irfan

012-709-4914 - Maxis Hotlink - Baby

013-388-1572 - Celcom - Azizi

Johor Bahru
012-640-0955 - Maxis - Qila

Johor Bahru
017-769-5277 - Maxis Hotlink - Rozy

Maxis Hotlink SMS Instructions

How to topup your Maxis Hotlink Prepaid Mobile Phones

Dialing command : *111*Topup Pin Code#

How to Share your Prepaid Maxis Hotlink Credit TopUp

How to Check Your Credit Balance for Maxis Hotlink

Dialing command : *122#

How to access Hotlink Easy Menu

Dialing command : *100#

How to check Maxis Hotlink Rewards Points

Access Hotlink Easy Menu and choose options 7-7-1

How to activate Hotlink Super Savers Talk and SMS

How to activate Maxis Hotlink Activ10

Find Your T-Mobile phone coverage using this Superb Checker

Digi Prepaid I Like SMS Instructions

How to access DiGi Talktime Services menu

Dialling command : *128#

How to Reload or topup your DiGi Prepaid FuYoh

Dialling command : *123*(16-digit reload number)#

How to Share Your Prepaid Digi Credits Talktime Transfer

How to get advance credit for your Digi Prepaid Plus

Celcom Prepaid SMS Instructions

How to topup your Celcom Xpax Prepaid Account Using Code

Dial *122* 16-digit topup code#

How to reload Celcom Blue Prepaid Using SMS

Sms command : rec 16-digit topup code

Send to : 2888

How to check your Celcom Prepaid Credit Balance

Dial command : *124#

Sms command code: just type "bal" and send to 2888

Call center : dial 1990

How to share your Celcom Airtime

How to activate Celcom Blue Teman 20

Five simple reasons why and how you should transfer from Maxis Hotlink to Celcom Xpax

Bonus Hello Sunday

With Celcom Xpax, you will get free calls on all your Sundays!

Birthday Bonus Celcom

You can get free calls and SMS for seven days!

Two years airtime expiry date

You can choose either one or two years!

Fastest prepaid mobile phones network

Celcom 3G and HSDPA speeds can go as high as 3.6Mbps

Best customer service ever

Celcom has received two years back to back champion for 2006 and 2007
